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Back pain – which exercise is best?


One of the most common questions I am asked is what exercise is best for lower back pain. Patients often wonder, am I better off doing pilates or getting in the gym and doing some weights, or perhaps I should start running and stretching. There are a lot of differences between all these exercises, so […]

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Do your thoughts impact your back pain?

General, Osteopathy

Positive thinking to improve your back pain? Low back pain is a very common condition, 80% of the population experiencing it at some point in their life. It can be very disabling, impacting on many areas of your life and can become all consuming, leading to anxiety and depression. However, it does not need to […]

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Menopause – the best time of your life?

General, Osteopathy

The menopause is a natural transition yet often it is misdiagnosed as anxiety or depression. We often struggle on without help and underestimate how early it can affect us. As an osteopath patients present with muscle and joint ache and possibly weakness but they go on to describe how they are generally ‘falling apart’.  They […]

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Back pain – are you drinking enough water?

General, Osteopathy

We all know how important it is for our general health to remain hydrated but if most of us were asked why we would probably say for our kidneys, gut, temperature control and avoiding headaches. I expect very few people would think of their spine and back pain. Why is water important for the spine? […]

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Are you feeling the pinch?

Acupuncture, Massage, Osteopathy

Following on from our previous article on frozen shoulder, we discuss another common complaint, shoulder impingement. What is shoulder impingement? The shoulder is stabilised by a group of muscles called the rotator cuff. A shoulder impingement is when the tendons of these muscles get trapped as they pass through a bony space. Repetitive pinching of […]

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