
Counselling therapy provides you with a safe, non-judgmental and confidential space in which to talk freely and openly about your issues and concerns with a trained professional. The counsellor’s job is to listen to you and support you in exploring your thoughts, feelings and behaviours so you can develop a better understanding of yourself and others and to help you find solutions through making changes or finding coping mechanisms.

Who can benefit?

Counselling is a therapy for anyone regardless of gender, race, age, religious background or sexual orientation. The sorts of issues that people come to counselling for are; depression, anxiety, mental and physical health, stress, anger, bereavement, addiction, abuse, relationship issues, low self esteem, work or study pressures, trauma, women’s health and fertility issues.

What does a counselling session involve?

The first session will involve exploring what you would like to gain from counselling, how you and the counsellor will work together and whether the offered approach is right for you.

Any sessions thereafter will be structured around exploring your thoughts, emotions and behaviours and finding ways to make changes and / or cope in your day-to-day life.

How and where will the session take place?

Sessions take place face-to-face at The Odiham Clinic. The first session will last up to an hour, and each session thereafter will be 50 minutes.

How many sessions are needed?

As everyone and their presenting issues are different, the number of sessions needed for each person can vary. This will be discussed in the first session and will be reviewed regularly to make sure the counselling is still working for you.